Kube Sentry
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Kubernetes for

The best visualization tool to monitor and set alerts for your Kubernetes cluster to make sure you identify bugs before they happen.

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Great UI for Developers

We are dedicated to creating the next-generation Kubernetes visualization tool
to help you proactively solve issues and ensure the stability of your applications.

Imagine having the ability to monitor your clusters and receive real-time alerts
on your mobile device when problems arise.

Detect potential bugs
before they even occur

A user-friendly Kubernetes visualizer, Kube Sentry simplifies cluster management
with intuitive interfaces, real-time monitoring, and efficient debugging,


Live Monitoring

See all important metrics for your Kubernetes
cluster in one go.

Picture of the dashboard page
Picture of Pod Page

Live Pods dashboard

View and interact with your pods
with easy one-click actions.

Interactive graph view

Visualize network topology and
operate on your pods intuitively

Picture of graphview
Picture of alert

Set Custom Alerts

Tailor alerts based on your needs

Our Amazing Team

Picture of mitch


AKA The Lightning

Picture of mitch

Kevin Fong

AKA Fong the Panda

Picture of mitch


AKA Machine Gun

Picture of mitch


AKA The Professor